We are expert on the technical and artistic aspects of lighting and mood
Among our specialties is our unerring ability to balance the light and value of all the elements of a scene, so that the details of even the most difficult shots, such as those mixing both interiors and exteriors, appear as the naked eye would see them. Our photographs exude a sense of intimacy with the subjects we shoot. We provide all aspects of photography and see our client’s vision to the final finished photograph; ready for print.
Photography is truth, the cinema is truth twenty-four times per second!
Our evolution into the moving image seven years ago has not only been a natural progression, but has been nothing short of exciting for us and game-changing for our clients! With the addition of our aerial drones (FAA 333 exempt) in 2014, our story telling has reached new heights. We work closely with our clients to take a collaborative concept from photo story-boards in pre-production, through post. Our projects have spanned the range of TV commercials, promo videos, documentaries and music videos. We are ready to execute your vision.
What’s your story?
We LOVE to tell stories through our image making capabilities. To that end, we also love to engage with our clients to find the story for their vision.
If “a picture is worth a thousand words”, then our prints are priceless!
Our clients love the tactile emotion associated with touching, holding and feeling our images in their hands. Of course still photography looks great on your website and social media; our clients have achieved great success landing future work by presenting their vision with beautifully printed and bound photo books.
When reality in the camera must be transformed, retouching makes the impossible possible.
Sure we make great photography. And sometimes even a great photograph as the camera records it needs to be changed, omitted, added to, deleted or tweaked to tell someone’s story. We are ready to transform an image to make your reality perfect. Too bad we can photoshop life!
Because every story needs an online home.
We work with our clients to design & build a new website and implement it to suit their needs. We have the graphic design capabilities to develop a branding identity to support the image our clients seek to project.